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12in12 2022 Challenge .. May Update..

Words by
Brigitte Dowsett

12in12 2022 Challenge.. May Update..

May? No! May?  What May already I am nearly half way through the year and have (spoiler alert) actually gone nowhere fast I am currently  159lbs … so let’s recap… started this challenge at 155.6lbs in January - according to the official statistics/goals I should be 145lbs and about to plateau this month therefore losing just the 1lb by June 9th to be 144lbs.

Hmmmm. I am nowhere near… Realistically I am unlikely to make the challenge in its current form  in 2022 unless later in the year I do make a more concerted effort…. Or go to a continuous fitness camp as I seem to be able to lose 2 or 3lbs when I am there…(read the blog for further info)  this is the only reason I am at 159 as I was pushing 162lbs earlier in the month….without the fitness camp Lord knows where the scales would be tipping today!

I have been trying to think about what this challenge actually means.. what am I trying to achieve here… so often during the month on the actual day, the hour, the minute, the second when I am actually living the moment I think to myself “who cares?” I want the glass of wine, the extra chips, the bowl of Frosties, the cake, the Creme Egg…. I could go on… and what am I doing this for, why am I making myself miserable in restricting myself .. what is it for?  Then I see the months and years rolling so fast away , as I said May already, and I think I have got to enjoy myself now and every day otherwise I will be 90 before I know where I am and what will I have enjoyed?  

But… and here’s the but… the other side of me would rather enjoy the time being my best self, not having to catch sight of a rapidly expanding, wrong side of middle age, woman who can’t wear what she wants because either it doesn’t fit or looks terrible, can’t buy anything in a bikini shop anymore except a baggy jumper and can’t run around like she used to because she is now unfit and out of breath.. do I want that and is the above mentioned list of treats really necessary on a daily basis or worth it? No, they are not… occasionally yes I can’t help myself, I give in and that is fine but 4 times out of 5 I need to think about what I am doing this for and what actually makes me happy, the Creme Egg or being able to buy the bikini and catch sight of the best version of me in the mirror?  Ultimately it is that simple.

 I don’t think I should look back… there have been so many more challenges during the past three months and the next month for me is one long stress… so this is not going to happen this month but I feel that if I just focus on the everyday and keep the spirit of 12in12 alive by making a small change every day then I could maybe stick with the programme and lose 1lb this month…. Back on track sort of even if I am actually 15lbs off side…. Onwards and inwards….

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