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Back to School for the E-L-Fs!

Words by
Jo Bausor

What a fabulous summer us little (or not so little in my case) E-L-Fs have had. Sunshine, rosé, amazing food and banagrams in abundance. A sort of laissez-faire attitude to exercise and generally a wonderful feeling of wellbeing that holidays and relaxation bring to the party (ies!!) Did I worry about not weighing myself every day? Did I worry about completely losing running as a vital part of my week? Did I worry about eating and drinking whatever I wanted? Nope. Did I worry about looking a bit lardy in a bikini? Hmmm....I’d be lying if I said I didn’t notice that things were starting to get a little tight and indeed Chubby and I had extensive discussions around the subject but I shoved that thought to the far reaches of my to do list. (and anyone that knows me well knows that I don’t make lists!)

So basically, and being honest (which is the cornerstone of E-L-F philosophy), I’d pretty much let it all go, not just over the summer but for a good few months before that. Also, time to fess up, I knew that I was putting on weight but also knew what I’d need to do to reverse it and just wasn’t in the right mindset to change anything. Until …….

I knew it wasn’t looking good when I couldn’t get my spanx up last weekend. On a visit to see best, but not longest, friend Fiona, I thought I’d make a bit of an effort to scrub up so decided to wear my new Me and Em co-ord (important point: I was aware that this outfit is quite forgiving and subconsciously or more likely consciously I knew that this was required. At this point I just wasn’t quite ready to admit it!) Anyway after I’d sorted out the underwear situation and put on the aforementioned co-ord I went to smooth out a wrinkle in the trousers and to my horror, realised the wrinkle was actually a roll of FAT. It wasn’t a lightning bolt moment, more of a realisation that a. I probably ought to do something about it now b. I feel better when I’m in control over my eating and drinking c. exercise really does make you feel brilliant.

So, what better time than September, new season, back to school, Chubby back from her travels (another part of E-L-F philosophy you need an E-L-F buddy) the stars are all in alignment, I’ve got no excuse. No point really dwelling on why the diet and exercise regime went quite Pete Tong for a while, it’s more about looking forward to what I’m going to change.

Here are the things I’ve committed to:1. Running twice a week. This started today and is therefore going well!  2. Taking up yoga – am looking for a class/teacher and will report back but this is a priority 3. Cutting back on alcohol (note cutting back not cutting out!). Trying to stick to twice a week. 4. This next one is quite controversial but history tells me it’s the very best way to keep on track – weighing myself every day and sending a little message to Chubby. I’m going to start with those 4 things and give myself a goal to be in a better place in terms of fitness and shape by December. Just ready for the Christmas party season 😊

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