Just sitting here wondering why I just couldn’t have a midlife crisis like everyone else and buy a sports car or do a Shirley Valentine(other less drastic routes available obviously!) Oh no, not me, I had to go and get a place in the next year’s London Marathon. Yes, you read that correctly,The London Marathon, all 26 glorious, exhausting miles of it. For many years I’vewatched it and really wanted to take part but never took my thoughts seriouslyenough to do anything about it until now. What possessed me to fill in that form and do it now? I wanted to do something for charity, I was feeling a bit restless and in need of a challenge and last but not least, wanted something that would reset my relationship with food and alcohol. The latter has not been going well lately and a ‘don’t care’ attitude was starting to set in and the pounds creeping upwards on the scales. That was when I weighed myself of course which was becoming very infrequent and this is a warning sign as for me, weighing everyday is vital to keeping a check on my weight. It’s like checking your bank balance really, if you know what’s you’ve you got there aren’t any surprises at the end of the month! Anyway, inspired in no small measure by Chubby who has transformed herself over the last few weeks I managed to get a place and fired the starting pistol on training!
Now of course, running the marathon has opened up a whole new world of shopping: new trainers, a running belt and soft water pouches,Garmin watch, gloves for the winter, padded socks, compression leggings, the list goes on and I haven’t even scratched the surface. Along with shopping there’s endless research to be done. Training plans – which one? Nutrition plans –beetroot shots apparently. Gels or no gels? I’ve been glued to my PC for hours,I’ve printed out a training plan in A3 and stuck it on the wall, colour coded the different types of run and told everyone I’m doing it. (I can guarantee mynearest and dearest will be bored stupid by next April!) And, surprising myself, I’ve actually started! Every year at school leading up to exams I’d file my notes beautifully, draw up complicated revision plans, buy up the stock of flash cards from WH Smith but didn’t do anything until absolutely the last minute! So, I’m happy to report that in a small way, training has started along with my marathon journey. Given that the furthest I’ve run so far is 6 miles, theboredom/pain hasn’t really kicked in yet but I can’t let myself think about the full distance because the odd time I have it’s incredibly daunting, almost too much. One foot in front of the other. I’m trying to run 3 times a week at the moment to complete what’s known in the business as ‘base training’ with one run being sightly longer each week. The 16 week full training plan starts on BoxingDay, yippee but already the neurons in my brain are quietly vibrating with ideas along the lines of ‘if I limit my alcohol intake and eat well in the most part, I’m going to give myself the best chance of getting round’. I’m, starting(slowly, slowly don’t want to get too excited) to find these ideas are beginning to take root and who know where it might end? I hate beetroot but even that might be in with a chance! Watch this space……
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