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How Much Do I Really Want It?

Words by
Jo Bausor

Absolute disaster. I got on the scales this morning and I haven’t been this heavy for a good 3 years.  Clearly not good on the intake front!  I feel that over the last few months I haven’t behaved any differently to usual but all the things I used to do to lose weight just don’t seem to work anymore. 

Previously a combination of exercise and eating less on non-going out days pretty much kept everything in check. This meant I could keep going out eating and drinking but keep to the same weight, give or take 1 or 2lbs up and down. 

Thinking about it, I suppose in a way that is happening now, however I’m 7lbs heavier than I was 6 months ago so something happened in the in between bit resulting in weight gain that now won’t go. So effectively gradually the non going out days have not compensated for the going out.  Is it that I’m eating and drinking more on the non going out days or is that my body just needs more to stay stable?  I’m literally pulling my hair out (if only it weighed more!) about what to do and why nothing is working.

Full disclosure there has been this(increasingly loud) niggling little voice in my head that keeps popping up andasking “have I really really tried?” “Do you really want it?” Weight loss thatis.. not the snack in front of me.  I know what I need to do but inreality I ask myself “do I want to do it?” 

I looked at my diary today and in just over 7 weeks I’ve got a VIE (very important event ) and want to lose at least7lbs before it. 7lbs in 7 weeks well that shouldn’t be too difficult I hear you say, 1lb per week, very achievable.  As we (boringly) know slow and steady is the way to go with weight loss. The thing is, I then looked at my diary again and before VIE, there are two mega-parties, Royal Ascot, Henley Royal Regatta,(a lot of Royals in there.. get me!)  various birthday drinks, numerous lunches and many other nights out ….so how can I possibly contemplate dieting with all that going on? My willpower is not that strong.  I’ve never been one to say no very often, especially since lockdown.  Life’s too short isn’t it? Deep sigh…

A few years ago chubby and I had a VVIE which was a BOS (birthday of significance) and during the months leading up to it, we threw our hearts, souls, minds and bodies into getting in shape and it absolutely paid off. 10km runs were completed on the days we knew we would be going out, many weights were lifted and food was not overeaten very often at all and indeed monitored carefully. It took great willpower and self-restraint, however mentally we were completely committed to the cause. 

Therein lies the point of this blog. Am I really truly committed at the moment? If I were I’d be looking at all the upcoming social occasions and working out how to mange them within my ‘getting in shape’ programme rather than using them as an excuse as to why I can’t. I’d have my VIE in mind and just go for it, even though I know exactly what it entails and that, quite frankly, it’s not easy. But it comes down to one simple crux question, how much do I really want it? 

Which way am I going to go? Watch this space for the answer!!

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